Whiskeytown Home | The Cooperative Agreement | Why Remove Logging Roads? | Developing an Erosion Inventory for Road Decommissioning | Outsloping Peltier Valley Road | The Sediment Pond | Logging Camp Road Removal | Landing Removal | Conclusion | Whiskeytown Logging Road Removal
Project The main access road into the Paige Bar Demonstration Watershed was Peltier Valley Road. This road was not considered for decommissioning as it was the only access road to backcountry trails and campgrounds, and was also needed as an emergency exit for the N.E.E.D. Camp. However, a total of 27 erosion sites were identified along the 2,000 meter section of Peltier Valley Road which was inventoried. Based on the existing and potential road-related problems identified in the inventory, the Watershed Restoration class completed designs and prepared implementation plans for work along Peltier Valley Road. The Bureau of Reclamation provided Shasta College with a $40,000 grant from CVPIA to implement the plans. $30,000 was designated for Peltier Valley Road, and $10,000 was allocated to develop and implement a monitoring plan. The work was performed by the Watershed Restoration class and the Heavy Equipment Operations class. Shasta College also contracted the services of Chris Cross, a heavy equipment operator and contractor with experience doing restoration work in Redwood National Park and the Grass Valley Creek watershed. The heavy equipment consultant provided on-site supervision and advice and demonstrated how equipment can be used to do restoration work. Shasta College performed the following work on Peltier Valley Road during the winter and spring of 1996 and 1997: 1. Reconstructed Peltier Valley Road with outsloped road design along approximately 2,000 meters. 2. Excavated rolling dips at each of the 23 swale and stream crossings to reduce the potential for stream diversion. 3. Replaced and/or installed seven appropriately-sized and re-designed culvert crossings. The culvert designs included overside drains when needed to reduce erosion. 4. Installed temporary and permanent surface treatments to all disturbed soil by seeding with native grasses and mulching.
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