Whiskeytown Home | The Cooperative Agreement | Why Remove Logging Roads? | Developing an Erosion Inventory for Road Decommissioning | Outsloping Peltier Valley Road | The Sediment Pond | Logging Camp Road Removal | Landing Removal | Conclusion | Whiskeytown Logging Road Removal
Partnerships Shasta College in Northern California has developed a Watershed Restoration Curriculum which involves a multi-disciplinary approach to Ecosystem Management. In 1996, the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area (NRA) and Shasta College entered into a cooperative agreement which enabled them to share resources, including grant funding, for developing watershed restoration projects. Educationally, project-based learning in a natural environment is proving to be much more effective than relying solely on in-classroom instruction. Whiskeytown NRA is providing the "living laboratory. Whiskeytown staff, Shasta College students and other professionals have gained a great deal of experience in landform restoration as a result of this project.
copyright 2011 - Salix Applied Earth Care - 2455 Athens Ave Ste. A - Redding, CA 96001 - (530)247-1600