Training Courses

John McCullah received a BS degree in Watershed Management from Humboldt State University in 1984, and he became a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control in 1988.  John is currently the president of Salix Applied Earthcare, a natural resource consulting firm in California, and he is also the founder and director of the Sacramento Watersheds Action Group (SWAG), a non-profit watershed restoration organization.  John is the author of the Erosion Draw 5.0 and Bio Draw 3.0 CDs, and is the instructor for the Watershed Restoration class at Shasta College.  He currently teaches courses across the country, on topics ranging from NPDES Phase II Compliance to Biotechnical Streambank Stabilization.

Salix Applied Earthcare Training Courses

" E-SenSS: Environmentally Sensitive Streambank Stabilization"
This course shows you how to think in new ways about old problems. Appropriate use of redirective vs. resistive bank protection techniques is covered, and a wide variety of vegetative techniques are discussed.  In addition, this course reveals how "hard" streambank stabilization techniques, such as riprap and gabions, can be made both environmentally-friendly and aesthetically-pleasing by incorporating vegetation during construction.  The focus of this course is on design, implementation, and real-life applications.
  For more information on this course, contact

"Biotechnical Landslide Repair training for Canadian Forest Workers"
John McCullah developed curriculum and provided two-weeks training on landslide repair in British Columbia.  This hands-on training was a cooperative effort between the Ministry of Forests, Interfor, and the Sechelt Indian Band.  For more information on this course, contact

Endangered Species and Watershed Protection Program

"Manual of Erosion Control Standards"
Salix Applied Earthcare prepared the Santa Cruz County Manual of Erosion Control Standards, which encompasses a variety of erosion and sediment control BMPs, streambank stabilization techniques, and road-related erosion control methods and maintenance.  For information contact

This course was designed by Salix for the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District.  It is a biotechnical streambank stabilization course that includes principles of biotechnical erosion control, a rationale for the biotechnical approach, planning, and biotechnical techniques including ground and water bioengineering. For information contact

"How to Repair and Restore Timber Harvested Watersheds"
This one-day course discusses how roads and their stream crossings affect watershed hydrology.  Poorly designed and constructed roads are leaving lasting marks on the land.  They can increase runoff in streams, and cause erosion and landslides.  They can harm fish, fragment wildlife habitat, and help noxious weeds invade native ecosystems.  This course covers soil erosion and mass wasting, the influence of hillside vegetation, gives an overview of watershed rehabilitation, road inventory techniques, and gives examples of applications and case histories.  For information contact

"Unpaved Roads Erosion and Sediment Control"
This course was prepared for professionals in Troy and Montgomery, Alabama.  It includes proper applications of Erosion and Sediment Control Practices, discussions of erosion, runoff, and sediment controls, and the BMPs to go with them.  For information contact

"BMPs for Designing, Implementing, and Maintaining Erosion, Runoff, and Sediment Control on Construction Sites"
Prepared for professionals in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, this course consists of site preparation, erosion, runoff, and sediment control BMPs, biotechnical BMPs, and some common problems and their solutions.  For information contact

"Biotechnical Soil Stabilization for Slopes and Streambanks"
Designed for Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat and Enhancement Branch, Mesachie Lake, British Columbia; this comprehensive course covers principles of biotechnical erosion control, the rationale for a biotechnical approach, including the role of vegetation in slope stability; planning of biotechnical projects, harvesting and handling of woody cuttings; soil bioengineering and biotechnical stabilization practices; and biotechnical streambank stabilization.  This course was also given to professionals in Juneau, Alaska, and Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta. For information contact

"River Restoration Class"
Taught by John McCullah and David Derrick, this 5-day course is being utilized by the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service in Fairbanks, Alaska.  The course consists of 2.5 days lecture, with 2.5 days fieldwork to learn techniques for reading a stream, assessing stream function, and becoming familiar with various environmentally-sensitive streambank stabilization techniques. For more information contact

IECA Professional Development Courses

These professional development courses, sponsored by International Erosion Control Association (IECA), teach concepts and applications of Best Management Practices, as well as biotechnical erosion control using plant materials in combination with structural engineering practices to prevent erosion, stabilize slopes and enhance fish and wildlife habitat. John McCullah, CPESC, teaches one-day courses that are offered around the nation.  The two courses currently taught are entitled "Biotechnical Erosion Control for Slopes and Streambanks" and How To Put the BEST Back Into Your BMPs.  To inquire about these IECA-sponsored short courses in your area, contact the IECA at

URS Corp Administered Trainings

IECA/EPA: "How to Select, Install, and Inspect Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs for NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance".
This course was prepared under an EPA grant and with the association of the IECA and URS Corp.   Course covers rules and regulations, site planning and management, erosion, runoff, and sediment controls, the erosion control planning process, and construction site inspections.  For more information on these courses, contact

CALTRANS Training Courses

These courses were specifically developed with the assistance of URS Corp for Caltrans (California Dept. of Transportation) engineers, project planners, hydrologists, environmental specialists, and landscape architects.  John McCullah was the primary instructor for 6 one-day courses during 1998/1999, as well as 3 courses in 2000.  The courses emphasized biotechnical erosion control, and over 300 Caltrans professionals received the erosion control training.  For more information on these courses, contact

"Biotechnical Soil Stabilization "
This course emphasizes biotechnical erosion control practices.  It provides a rationale for the biotechnical approach, planning, and biotechnical techniques including biotechnical streambank stabilization, with various case studies integrated throughout the course.  For more information please contact

"Erosion Control Training for Landscape Architects"
This course covers the processes of erosion and sedimentation, factors that influence erosion, the quantification of erosion and sedimentation, priciples of erosion and sediment control, planning permanent erosion and sediment control and design, seeds and fertilizers, biotechnical slope stabilization, and techniques, a problem solving workshop, and hands on demonstrations.  For more information please contact

SWAG Volunteer/Low Cost Training Courses

Salix, in conjunction with Sacramento Watersheds Action Group (SWAG), has also provided volunteer and low cost training courses on "Best Management Practices" and "Biotechnical Soil Stabilization" for local agencies such as the City of Redding and the San Mateo County Resource Conservation District (see sample of workshop flyer) .  These one-day training courses were designed to help riparian landowners, managers, planners, and contractors identify, prevent, and repair erosion problems.  For more information on these courses, contact .

John teaches students Biotechnical Streambank Stabilization techniques in Sulphur Creek, Redding, CA.

AGC members and Shasta College students receive erosion control training by John McCullah.



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