Environmentally Sensitive Streambank Stabilization

Winner of the 2005 IECA Excellence in Technology Award!!

It's Here! E-SenSS (Environmentally Sensitive Streambank Stabilization) features such techniques as vegetated riprap bent-pole method, cross vanes and double cross vanes, bendway weirs and vanes with J-hooks.

E-SenSS is the product of 3 years of intensive literature research, case study analysis and DOT Surveys on 44 different streambank treatments for application near highways. The National Cooperative Highways Research Board (a division of National Academy of Science) funded this research for development of guidelines for environmentally-sensitive techniques for Departments of Transportation across the nation. The CD contains 44 technique guidelines, 19 Special Topic documents, and a total of 56 technique typical drawings in both AutoCAD and MicroStation format. Greenbank is a rule-based selection system that relates the hydraulic, geotechnical and environmental constraints of each technique to site conditions and project constraints to provide the user with a list of techniques applicable to the project. These techniques suggestions are linked to the relevant documents detailing specifics of the techniques.


February 2002

November 2004

December 2002

November 2004


Bendway Weirs and Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (html) (pdf version)

Channel Restoration In An Urban Salmonid Stream (html) (pdf version)

Restoration in the Pit River Watershed (pdf)

E-mail: info@salixaec.com


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