Welcome to the Salix Staff Page!

John McCullah, CPESC- President

John McCullah, CPESCreceived a BS degree in Watershed Management from Humboldt State University in 1984, and he became a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control in 1988.  John is currently the president of Salix Applied Earthcare, a natural resource consulting firm in California, and he is also the founder and director of the Sacramento Watersheds Action Group (SWAG), a non-profit watershed restoration organization.  John is the producer of the E-SenSS, Erosion Draw 5.0 and Bio Draw 3.0 CDs, and is the instructor for the Watershed Restoration class at Shasta College.  He currently teaches courses across the country, on topics ranging from NPDES Phase II Compliance to Environmentally-Sensitive Streambank Stabilization. John is also on the IECA Board of Directors.


Kaila Dettman - Projects Manager and Marketing Director

Kaila is the Projects Manager and Marketing Director.  She graduated from Cal Poly State University in Equine Science in 2001, and from there went to on to get a Masters in Watershed Management before joining Salix in 2004. She coauthored the “Most Distinguished Paper” of the 2004 IECA Conference.


Laurie Barnes - Project Coordinator and Webmaster

Laurie Barnes has been with Salix for 3 years and is currently a Project Coordinator and Webmaster for all of the websites and html-based CDs. She has recieved a Heavy Equipment Operations Certificate from Shasta College, and is pursuing her CPESC-In Training status. Laurie got her start in Erosion and Sediment Control working on backcountry trails for the US Forest Service for 7 seasons. She also on the Western Chapter IECA (WCIECA) Board of Directors.